[pdal] pdal tindex srs

Jim Klassen klassen.js at gmail.com
Tue May 26 12:04:35 PDT 2020

 From what I can tell, when `pdal tindex` stores an EPSG srs in a tileindex, it omits the vertical component.  (I haven't tested if this also applies to when it stores proj strings).

I have a tile index with LAZ files in heterogeneous projections, so the "srs" column is important.  Some of those files are in, for example, "EPSG:3071+5703" (NAD83(HARN) / Wisconsin Transverse Mercator + NAVD88 height), but only "EPSG:3071" gets stored in the "srs" column.

When reading the tindex with "readers.tindex" (with "readers.tindex.t_srs=EPSG:6344+5703" to transform everything into a uniform srs for processing), this causes the LAZ file to be read as if it was "EPSG:3071" which then causes pdal to incorrectly apply a vertical transformation from ellipsoidal height to NAVD88.

If I manually update the tileindex srs column to EPSG:3071+5703, then 'readers.tindex' works as expected.

Is there something I am missing that would include the vertical/compound SRS in the srs column (as EPSG or WKT or or proj strings or whatever else readers.tindex will accept) when generating the tile index?

Is there a way to convince "readers.tindex" to read the SRS from the LAZ header instead of the tileindex column?

I'm running a recent build from master of pdal, built against GDAL 3.1 and PROJ 7 (with all the relevant grid files installed).

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