[pdal] filters.assign

Peter Lim peter.lim at gpslands.com
Tue Aug 17 18:35:05 PDT 2021

Hi Andrew,


I’ve tried what you have suggested:








        "assignment":"IntnstySqRt = Intensity / 256"                                   




        "resolution": 0.05,









But is giving same error:
PDAL: filters.assign: Invalid value for argument 'assignment'.

Please advise.


Thank you.


Best Regards,


Peter Lim

GPS Lands (S) Pte Ltd


From: Andrew Bell [mailto:andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 17 August 2021 7:14 pm
To: Peter Lim
Cc: pdal
Subject: Re: [pdal] filters.assign


You're mixing syntax for the older "assignment" option with that of the newer "value" option.


Try this:









        "assignment":"IntnstySqRt = Intensity / 256"                                   




On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 6:09 AM Peter Lim <peter.lim at gpslands.com> wrote:



I’m trying to generate a GeoTiff image from a LAS file using the sq. root of Intensity dimension and the pipeline as follows:








         "type": "filters.ferry",





        "assignment":"IntnstySqRt[:] = IntnstySqRt / 256"                                    




        "resolution": 0.05,










However, error occurred:

PDAL: filters.assign: Invalid value for argument 'assignment'.


Is it the correct use of filters.ferry and filters. assign…


Please advise.



Thank you.


Best Regards,


Peter Lim

GPS Lands (S) Pte Ltd




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Andrew Bell
andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com

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