[pdal] libLAS to PDAL, how to write a LAS header from scratch in PDAL?

Mathieu Poulin mathieu.poulin at mvtgeosolutions.com
Tue Aug 31 06:03:45 PDT 2021

Hello everyone,

I am transitionning to PDAL from libLAS and so far almost everything has been easy to figure out. There is however one thing that I can not find any instructions on how to do, and that is how to write a LAS header in PDAL.

I've asked the question on Stackoverflow before finding this mailing list, so here is a link to it: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68986302/writing-las-header-with-pdal-in-c. Hopefully, someone here has the answer that I am looking for.

Thanks in advance,

 - Mathieu Poulin
Writing LAS header with PDAL in C++ - Stack Overflow<https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68986302/writing-las-header-with-pdal-in-c>
I am working on an application that writes LAS files from scratch based on lidar data. Previously, the application was built with LibLAS and it worked quite well. However, LibLAS has been discontin...

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