[pdal] [EXTERNAL] Dimensions and open-source LPC visualization

Ben Southall ben.southall at sri.com
Thu May 6 10:50:08 PDT 2021

CloudCompare can do this.



From: pdal <pdal-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Andreas Yankopolus
Sent: Thursday, May 6, 2021 1:37 PM
To: PDAL mailing list <pdal at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [pdal] Dimensions and open-source LPC visualization


Is there an open-source LPC visualization tool that allows coloring points by arbitrary dimension? I’m experimenting with different filters and would like to visualize point clouds where dot color is based on PDAL-calculated dimensions like density, linearity, scattering, etc.

I’ve been fiddling with plas.io<https://urldefense.us/v3/__http:/plas.io__;!!Nv3xtKNH_4uope0!116RUbm0S3QyG0OXCuz6K0Z3xvCjmMjclJ_7zQVCNmlFB7a1PdTHQqQKB7B-hIY$> for visualization and am setting up a filters.colorinterp stage to do this on a dimension-by-dimension basis, but it would be nice to quickly flip through a bunch of dimensions.


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