[pdal] PDAL pipeline issues with large datasets
Nandigam, Viswanath
vnandigam at ucsd.edu
Sun Aug 7 18:28:20 PDT 2022
Hi Howard,
Thanks! Updating to PDAL 2.4.3 (git-version: 7d56ee via conda) seems to have fixed the issue. Thank you for pushing that out! Much appreciated!
- Vishu
> On Aug 7, 2022, at 9:02 AM, Howard Butler <howard at hobu.co> wrote:
> This seems to be working just fine for me with PDAL 2.4.3 that's available on Conda Forge. Can you easily try that one?
> Howard
>> pdal pipeline --debug --verbose 7 vishu.json
>> (PDAL Debug) Debugging...
>> (pdal pipeline readers.ept Debug) Query bounds: ([-8726998.519846709, -8723414.496106366], [4353500.799531042, 4356350.524642287], [-1.797693134862316e+308, 1.797693134862316e+308])
>> Threads: 15
>> (pdal pipeline Debug) Executing pipeline in stream mode.
>> (pdal pipeline readers.ept Warning) 193323331 will be downloaded
>> (pdal pipeline writers.las Debug) Wrote 182125216 points to the LAS file
>> On Aug 5, 2022, at 4:44 PM, Nandigam, Viswanath <vnandigam at ucsd.edu> wrote:
>> It looks like an issue with other datasets as well. This works fine in the 2.4.1 version of PDAL but fails with 2.4.2.
>> For example this pipeline file also has the same issue:
>> {
>> "pipeline": [{
>> "type": "readers.ept",
>> "filename": "https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usgs-lidar-public/NC_HurricaneFlorence_4_2020/ept.json__;!!Mih3wA!DIBrmOdVyqNPrEXWVv27tMIEM6NqrMUUzF-9LbTXoBz3fb98VTazY1I4QMgt3xAH034fK8Fx5Gur3BEO$ ",
>> "bounds": "([-8726998.51984671, -8723414.496106366], [4353500.799531042,4356350.524642287])"
>> },
>> {
>> "type":"filters.reprojection",
>> "in_srs":"EPSG:3857",
>> "out_srs":"EPSG:32617"
>> },{
>> "type" : "writers.las",
>> "filename": "points.laz",
>> "a_srs": "EPSG:32617"
>> }]}
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