[pdal] Python pipeline not reading ept.json

Gelder, Brian K [A&BE] bkgelder at iastate.edu
Mon Aug 15 10:53:38 PDT 2022

I'm a pdal newbie and I'm trying to figure out how to successfully read ept.json files. I have pdal 2.4.2 installed via Conda on Python 3.9 on Win 10 and am able to use the pipeline to process local datasets like interesting.las in the tutorials. However, when I try to read EPT web resources, like in https://pdal.io/en/latest/tutorial/iowa-entwine.html, I receive the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#15>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\bkgelder\AppData\Local\ESRI\conda\envs\pdal-testing-env\lib\site-packages\pdal\pipeline.py", line 43, in validate
    return self.p.validate()
  File "libpdalpython.pyx", line 185, in pdal.libpdalpython.PyPipeline.validate
RuntimeError: readers.ept: Could not read from s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usgs-lidar-public/IA_FullState/ept.json

I get similar failure when I tried to query the smaller Hurricane Florence dataset Vishu wrote about last week. I can view the ept.json files in Firefox. Is there a firewall setting I'm missing?

Thank you,

Brian K. Gelder, PhD
Manager Research for "Mud" (Soil and Water Research), Ag & Biosystems Engr. Dept.
Daily Erosion Project<https://www.dailyerosion.org/> & Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework<https://acpf4watersheds.org/>
Adjunct Assistant Professor, ABE, CRP & Agronomy Dept.
Instructor, CRP 454/554 and 456/556
3321 Elings Hall, Iowa State University
My schedule<https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/9f43d0598b5d4a798c1592542919c740@iastate.edu/4ad84c683cf643cf9b46844d5e9bae3d7421382923026391208/calendar.html>

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