[pdal] Cloud Optimized Point Cloud Information

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Mon Jan 10 10:03:06 PST 2022


I just wanted to provide some updates on the COPC effort that we have underway. 

First, COPC reader support will be available in PDAL in the form of readers.copc. This driver will mimic the behavior of readers.ept and allow you to limit resolution window and provide filtering geometries to select and process data with PDAL.

Second, I wrote an article for the next issue of LiDAR Magazine that is now online. You can read it at 
https://lidarmag.com/2021/12/27/cloud-native-geospatial-lidar-with-the-cloud-optimized-point-cloud/ <https://lidarmag.com/2021/12/27/cloud-native-geospatial-lidar-with-the-cloud-optimized-point-cloud/>

Finally, I gave a ten minute presentation at the Analysis Ready Data workshop a few months ago that provides some background and motivation for our creation of COPC. You can watch it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EmcW2UWD4k&t=5591s <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EmcW2UWD4k&t=5591s>

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