[pdal] Filter development: was How to get las header info?

Peder Axensten Peder.Axensten at slu.se
Wed Mar 23 07:31:13 PDT 2022

Thank you, Howard!

It looks very interesting, I will explore it!
(I don’t actually need parallelism, although that would have been a bonus. It is more that I aggregate certain data from them: processing all of them will result in only one file.)

Best regards,

Peder Axensten
Systems Developer

Remote Sensing
Department of Forest Resource Management
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
SE-901 83 Umeå
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd
Phone: +46 90 786 85 00
peder.axensten at slu.se, www.slu.se/srh

The Department of Forest Resource Management is environmentally certified in accordance with ISO 14001.

> On 23 Mar 2022, at 15:12, Howard Butler <howard at hobu.co> wrote:
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
>> On Mar 23, 2022, at 9:03 AM, Peder Axensten <Peder.Axensten at slu.se> wrote:
>> I saw your reply on the list archive. Thanks! I’ll try the 2.4 release.
>> If I’d try to migrate the tool to a pdal plugin – is there a way to process a directory of files, to have them presented one by one to pdal::Filter::run or similar? Or how should I go about it?
> Not really, no. Parallelism like that has always been out of scope for PDAL. Use your favorite parallel, bash, or xargs invocation to spray PDAL pipelines (or translates or whatever) across your directory of files.
> If you must have a group of files (maybe you have neighborhood considerations or something), consider using a tile index similar to GDAL https://pdal.io/apps/tindex.html and have your reader work with those.
> If your metrics tools are written in Python, you might consider using the filters.python stage to provide your logic to PDAL without having to jump to C++.
> Howard

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