[pdal] EPT JSON incorrect boundaries?

Gelder, Brian K [A&BE] bkgelder at iastate.edu
Mon Jun 12 13:40:15 PDT 2023

I am using PDAL pipelines to query the AWS EPT JSON but having some issues with a couple of the USGS 3DEP projects. I'm using it successfully download different HUC12s worth of data in many Midwestern US locations but running into issues with what seem to be incorrect "bounds" in the AWS ept.json for a couple projects. I am receiving 0 points from the pipeline but there is clear overlap between the polygons. However, when I plot "bounds" from the two following EPT.JSON files they do not overlap with my request, which would explain the 0 points returned. The boundaries in the EPT.JSON only seem to be a subset of the extent referenced by the USGS WESM file (https://rockyweb.usgs.gov/vdelivery/Datasets/Staged/Elevation/metadata/WESM.gpkg) and the EPT GEOJSON (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hobuinc/usgs-lidar/master/boundaries/resources.geojson) and the zipped tile boundaries I found for one of the projects (https://rockyweb.usgs.gov/vdelivery/Datasets/Staged/Elevation/LPC/Projects/USGS_LPC_WI_Forest_2016_LAS_2019/metadata/)

The two ept.jsons I am currently experiencing issues with are:

The WESM workunit_id for these projects are 66791 and 79125 respectively. The above JSONs reference coordinates that are within the WESM and EPT GEOJSON boundaries AFAICT for these projects but return no points since the EPT.JSON bounds don't overlap. I can provide additional coordinates or some screenshots if needed. Is there another explanation for what I'm experiencing? Or do the "bounds" for these files need to be rebuilt? Or is only a portion of the project data available via EPT for these projects?

Thank you,

Brian K. Gelder, PhD
"Mud" Research Manager (Soil and Water Research), Ag & Biosystems Engr. Dept.
Daily Erosion Project<https://www.dailyerosion.org/> & Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework<https://acpf4watersheds.org/>
Adjunct Assistant Professor, ABE, CRP & Agronomy Dept.
Instructor, CRP 454/554/LA 554 and CRP 456/556/ABE 556
3321 Elings Hall, Iowa State University
My schedule<https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/9f43d0598b5d4a798c1592542919c740@iastate.edu/4ad84c683cf643cf9b46844d5e9bae3d7421382923026391208/calendar.html>

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