[pdal] How do I supply pdal.Filter.icp with the two datasets it needs?

Andrew Bell andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
Fri Apr 12 13:21:33 PDT 2024

I don't see any such support in the Python interface. You can certainly
create a JSON pipeline that does this and use any interface that supports
that input.

On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 4:30 PM lefsky--- via pdal <pdal at lists.osgeo.org>

> As per the subject line, I am trying to use pdal.Filter.icp in a script
> that uses the python calls, e.g.:
> pdal_icp = pdal.Filter.icp(max_iter=100)
> However, I don't see in the online references how one specifies an
> additional dataset for a single Stage. I have two pipelines- they are the
> same except one is for forward scan, the other is for back.
> One of those will be passed to  through the pipeline, but how do I tell
> ICP to use the results from another pipeline as the other pointcloud.
> Partially tested code (Some of it is probably incorrect syntax:
> pdal_read = pdal.Reader.las(filename="
> https://github.com/PDAL/PDAL/blob/master/test/data/las/1.2-with-color.las?raw=true
> ").pipeline()
> pdal_filtclass = pdal.Filter.range(limits="Classification[2:2]").pipeline()
> gdal_outlier=
> pdal.Filter.outlier(method="statistical",mean_k=12,multiplier=2)
> gdal_splitscan_a =
> pdal.Filter.range(limits="ScanDirectionFlag[0:0]").pipeline()
> gdal_splitscan_b =
> pdal.Filter.range(limits="ScanDirectionFlag[1:1]").pipeline()
> pipeline_a = pdal_read | pdal_filtclass | pdal_outlier | pdal_splitscan_a
> pipeline_b = pdal_read | pdal_filtclass | pdal_outlier | pdal_splitscan_b
> pdal_icp = pdal.Filter.icp(max_iter=100).pipeline(pipeline_a)
> But how do I specify pipeline_b?
> Thanks for any help you can provide.
> M
> P.S. Is there a searchable archive of pdal mailing list posts?
> Michael Lefsky (He/His)
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Andrew Bell
andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
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