[pgpointcloud] Importing to pgpointcloud

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Fri Jul 19 06:59:18 PDT 2013

On Jul 19, 2013, at 4:33 AM, Roger Bedell <rbedell at coordinatesolutions.com> wrote:

> Hi Howard,
> I think something is not quite right in Windows-land.
> 1) I was not able to compile in release mode in Win32, lots of errors that I did not chase down yet.
> 2) On my laptop, I get the memory fault with a single cache_block.
> 3) On the server, it works reasonably well, but still fairly slow (although faster than with 3 cache blocks). It is good enough for now.

What happens if you run with no cache filter at all?

> 4) I tried just exporting to the las file like you did on the server, and it is about the same speed as the pgpointcloud pipeline, about 5 minutes for the sample file on a pretty fast machine.
> 5) I never did try the branch you sent me, this is the main branch from last week that I'm testing.

Ok, this would definitely explain things being slower in general than normal.

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