[pgrouting-dev] Think about the next release

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Sun Dec 4 20:10:56 EST 2011

Hi Devs,

So I have been thinking about the next release and thought it would be a 
good idea to start getting input in what we think are potential target 
items that can and need to be in the next release.

This should probably be put in a release ideas wiki page and we probably 
should open tickets for these also, but it is easier for me to think by 
just writing email. So here are some items to seed the list:

o rename all pgrouting functions to use the namespace pgr_*
o write some new wrapper functions
   - we need to discuss what the public API should be
   - we need to standardize the routing function calls so that it is 
trivial to change the function name but 99% of the arguments are the 
same or similar
o potentially remove CGAL and GAUL dependencies
o identify what new algorithms in git should get promoted to a core release
o fix shooting star which is seriously broken in v 1.0.5 and maybe v1.0.3
o automated tests in git for developers and release managers to use to 
validate functionality before we code gets committed or released
o update all the documentation based on the changes that get committed 
to the release.

Since Anton has moved on to other projects, we do not have a C++ 
developer on the project. I can do plpgsql, C and some very minor C++ 
stuff. Daniel and I have contacted former GSoC students, but they are 
all pretty busy with careers. I have been working with Ashraf that 
worked on OpenGraphRouter code as a GSoC student and we have him working 
on pgRouting project at the moment, but if we could pick up another C++ 
developer even part time to help with some of this that would be great. 
Obviously, Boost Graph and/or graph theory knowledge would be a big plus.



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