[pgrouting-dev] Think about the next release

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Sun Dec 4 20:29:51 EST 2011

On 12/4/2011 8:10 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Hi Devs,
> So I have been thinking about the next release and thought it would be a
> good idea to start getting input in what we think are potential target
> items that can and need to be in the next release.
> This should probably be put in a release ideas wiki page and we probably
> should open tickets for these also, but it is easier for me to think by
> just writing email. So here are some items to seed the list:
> o rename all pgrouting functions to use the namespace pgr_*
> o write some new wrapper functions
> - we need to discuss what the public API should be
> - we need to standardize the routing function calls so that it is
> trivial to change the function name but 99% of the arguments are the
> same or similar
> o potentially remove CGAL and GAUL dependencies
> o identify what new algorithms in git should get promoted to a core release
> o fix shooting star which is seriously broken in v 1.0.5 and maybe v1.0.3
> o automated tests in git for developers and release managers to use to
> validate functionality before we code gets committed or released
> o update all the documentation based on the changes that get committed
> to the release.

And one more:

o all wrappers AND pgrouting need to work with data in any schema.

> Since Anton has moved on to other projects, we do not have a C++
> developer on the project. I can do plpgsql, C and some very minor C++
> stuff. Daniel and I have contacted former GSoC students, but they are
> all pretty busy with careers. I have been working with Ashraf that
> worked on OpenGraphRouter code as a GSoC student and we have him working
> on pgRouting project at the moment, but if we could pick up another C++
> developer even part time to help with some of this that would be great.
> Obviously, Boost Graph and/or graph theory knowledge would be a big plus.
> Thoughts?
> -Steve
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