[pgrouting-dev] Licensing for Co-development between OpenGraphRouter and pgRouting

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Fri May 27 09:03:24 EDT 2011


I have been talking with Roni about doing more development for 
OpenGraphRouter and to possible integrate that with pgRouting. The first 
issue I see is that of licensing. OpenGraphRouter is using an MIT-X 
style license (and wants to stay that way) and I believe pgRouting is 
using a GPLv2 License.

So I think this means we can move OpenGraphRouter code into pgRouting, 
which would make that code dual licensed, ie code used in pgRouting 
would become GPLv2, but the original in OpenGraphRouter would remain 
MIT-X, but we could not move pgRouting code into OpenGraphRouter.

One of my goals as we move forward is that code we develop should be 
have a reference implementation in a command line tool in 
OpenGraphRouter and a reference implementation with in pgRouting.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thoughts on the licensing issues?

Would there be any interest in supporting a similar dual licensing in 
pgRouting? This might not be possible because Postgresql/PostGIS licensing.

Frank, Paul, can you comment please.


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