[pgrouting-dev] Gsoc 2013

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Apr 25 08:25:19 PDT 2013

On 4/25/2013 11:06 AM, Mukul priya wrote:
> How much of the network do you have to explore using each algorithm?
> This will be reduced significantly while using Astar as we will have a
> fair bit of idea about the direction towards which we should proceed.
> How does this impact the number of grids you have to load?
> Once we have an idea about the direction towards which we should proceed
> , only those grids will be loaded. This will result in loading of less
> number of grids.
> How does this impact your proposal?
> The basic motivation behind the proposal is to make shortest path
> computation faster. Number of database querry will be reduced as we will
> be fetching lesser number of grids. This will have a positive effect on
> computation time.

Right, so in your proposal, you want to be clear that the benefit will 
be achieved using astar or another algorithm with a heuristic and not 
dijkstra. I understand that "shortest path" is a generic reference to 
all of these algorithms, but the only ones that will benefit from this 
approach will be ones with a heuristic that allow us to explore only a 
subset the overall bounding box of edges that we might otherwise use as 
input. So it is best to be clear on these points.


> On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 7:07 PM, Stephen Woodbridge
> <woodbri at swoodbridge.com <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>> wrote:
>     On 4/25/2013 12:26 AM, Mukul priya wrote:
>         Thanks Steve ,I am familar with astar ,It uses a heuristic to guide
>         itself to the destination, there was huge focus on it in our
>         game theory
>         course.
>         Although do point out the advantages it has in real life road
>         network
>         and its importance to my proposal.
>     How much of the network do you have to explore using each algorithm?
>     How does this impact the number of grids you have to load?
>     How does this impact your proposal?
>     -Steve
>         On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 7:43 AM, Stephen Woodbridge
>         <woodbri at swoodbridge.com <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>
>         <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.__com
>         <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>>> wrote:
>              Hi Mukul,
>              This is a good write up. It largely mirrors out discussion. One
>              thing that needs to change in this is that dijkstra should be
>              replaced with astar.
>              Are you familiar with how these are different?
>         http://theory.stanford.edu/~____amitp/GameProgramming/____AStarComparison.html
>         <http://theory.stanford.edu/%7E__amitp/GameProgramming/__AStarComparison.html>
>         <http://theory.stanford.edu/%__7Eamitp/GameProgramming/__AStarComparison.html
>         <http://theory.stanford.edu/%7Eamitp/GameProgramming/AStarComparison.html>>
>              Do you see why? and specifically why it matter for this
>         project?
>              -Steve
>              On 4/24/2013 9:10 PM, Mukul priya wrote:
>                  ***Name*:Mukul Priya
>                  *Country:*India
>                  *School and degree*: International Institute Of Information
>                  Technology-Hyderabad ,
>                                                   B.Tech + Masters in
>         computer
>                  Science And
>                  Engineering
>                  *Email*:mukul2047 at gmail.com
>         <mailto:mukul2047 at gmail.com> <mailto:mukul2047 at gmail.com
>         <mailto:mukul2047 at gmail.com>>
>                  <mailto:mukul2047 at gmail.com
>         <mailto:mukul2047 at gmail.com> <mailto:mukul2047 at gmail.com
>         <mailto:mukul2047 at gmail.com>>>
>                  *Phone*:+91 9885991061
>                  *OSGeo project(s*):pgRouting
>                  *Title:* A partitioned approach to on demand increment
>         graph
>                  assembly
>                  for pgRouting.
>                  *Describe your idea*
>                  *1. Introduction*
>                           pgRouting has been working towards providing
>         routing
>                  functionality on a PostGis/PostgreSql  Geo spatial
>                      database. It already has support for shortest path
>         algorithm
>                  like
>                  astar ,dijkstra , tdsp and trsp .But for a very
>                      large network, routing becomes time consuming. Network
>                  partitioning
>                  is one such way which can prove to
>                      be helpful in improving the overall time efficiency
>         of routing
>                  querries. The main idea  here is to first partition
>                      the whole network using a Quad tree approach and
>         when the
>                  shortest
>                  path is computed these partitions are
>                      loaded on demand. hence , there is an on demand
>         incremental
>                  graph
>                  generation.
>                           The project aims at designing and implementing a
>                  Shortest Path
>                  algorithm on an on demand incremental
>                        Graph using a network partitioning approach.
>                  *2. Background*
>                           Considering the present status where pgRouting has
>                  support for
>                  shortest path algorithm like astar etc.
>                     Looking at their implementation details we can
>         observe that
>                  the graph
>                  is configured dynamically for all
>                     of them before computation.My proposal will also be
>         on the
>                  same track
>                  and for very large networks
>                     where  the distance between source and destination
>         can be
>                  very large ,
>                  the response time will be
>                     significantly lesser and memory wise too it will be
>         lot more
>                  efficient. Presently they don't use any partitioning
>                     approach so it will prove to be a good addition to their
>                  support for
>                  shortest past algorithms.
>                  *3. The idea*
>                       There are two major components of my idea .
>                     *
>                       *Network Partitioning*
>                           For this part we can use a quad tree approach.
>         Say , we
>                  start
>                  with a square and a condition like maximum
>                           number of nodes that can reside in a square .
>         if the
>                  number of
>                  nodes in the square is greater than the max
>                           condition we further quarter it into four
>         squares and
>                  allot the
>                  nodes appropriately to each of them.All these
>                           squares can be called grids and they all will
>         be addressed
>                  uniquely using a grid cell number .Each node
>                           will be assigned a grid cell number based on
>         the grid
>                  they are
>                  lying inside.
>                                  We will have data structures to address
>         edges as
>                  they can
>                  remain contained in either one grid cell
>                            or span across a number of grid cells.the
>         idea is to
>                  first flag
>                  such edges and store the grid cell numbers
>                            of the grids that the edge crosses/intersects.
>                     *
>                       *On demand graph generation and Routing.*
>                                   The idea here is to first identify the
>         grid cell
>                  initially and then fetch the edges that are associated with
>                           that grid. These are the edges that will get
>         appended
>                  to the
>                  present graph and the graph will keep growing
>                           dynamically this way. we will have appropriate
>         database
>                  tables
>                  addressing the above issue such that
>                           we are able to fetch the required edges
>         quickly using  a
>                  database querry.
>                            The implementation details for the above are :
>                           we will first partition the whole graph using
>         the quad tree
>                  approach and each node/vertex will be assigned
>                           a grid cell number so we can have  database
>         table for the
>                  assigned nodes and edges like :
>                           CREATE TABLE vertex{
>                            id Node_id                               \\
>           unique
>                  for each
>                  node.
>                            cell grid_cell_number;               \\ the
>         grid in
>                  which the
>                  node lies.
>                             geometry;
>                             }
>                             CREATE TABLE edge  {
>                              int id ;
>                              Int node_a;
>                               int node_b;        \\ the connecting nodes
>                        //     we can have other parameters like
>         traversal cost
>                  and return
>                  cost.
>                             }
>                              using the tables we can then fetch the
>         edges form
>                  edge table
>                     using simple database querry once
>                     we are provided with the grid cell number very easily.
>                     In short the summary of the whole idea is :
>                  Step1: Fetch the start node , get the related Grid cell
>         number.
>                  Step 2: Increment the graph by fetching all the items
>         related to
>                  that grid.
>                  Step3 : Check for boundary nodes  ( this is done while
>         we are
>                  partitioning) or target node .
>                  Step 4: On hitting a boundary node
>                                   {
>                                     check if the connected grid is
>         loaded and
>                  continue if
>                  it is
>                                     or we extend the graph with the new
>         grid and
>                  continue
>                  with the routing;
>                                    }
>                               or On hitting the target Node
>                                 {
>                                            stop;
>                                  }
>                  *4. Project plan*
>                         I will have about 12 weeks to implement the
>         project. The
>                  tentative
>                  schedule is as follows:
>                         Before 17th June : Get familiar with the development
>                  environment
>                  of pgRouting and test some demos.
>                         week 1-2: Discuss and Define the various data
>         structures
>                  and data
>                  table that will be required.Prepare the
>                                         Overall implementation
>           architecture.
>                         week 3-4-  Discuss and Implement network
>         partitioning
>                  using quad
>                  tree.
>                         week 5-8 -Start coding for on demand graph
>         generation and
>                  routing
>                  using Dijkstra. In between Prepare mid-term
>                                           report.
>                         week 9 - Integration with pgrouting .
>                         week 10-12- Testing and Bug fixing. Draft Final
>         report and
>                  documentation.
>                  *
>                     5. Future ideas / How can your idea be expanded? *
>                          It can be integrated with other shortest path
>         algorithms
>                  like
>                  astar etc. which pgrouitng provides.For time dependent
>                        shortest path computation, it will greatly reduce the
>                  updating cost
>                  as we will be updating the cost of only those edges
>                        that are contained in the grid cells that are loaded.
>                         In route nearest neigbour querries can also be
>                  implemented using
>                  the partitioning approach.Overall we can
>                         expand this approach to various other algorithms.
>                  *Explain how your SoC task would benefit the OSGeo member
>                  project and
>                  more generally the OSGeo Foundation as a whole:*
>                        The proposed idea will significantly improve the
>                  performance of
>                  shortest path finding algorithms.This will have a
>                      positive effect on the user base of pgRouting. For
>         various
>                  software
>                  paltforms or applications that are using this library ,
>                      the response time will significantly improve.
>                  *
>                  Please provide details of general computing experience:
>                  *
>                  I generally use ubuntu ( 12.04) for all my academic
>         purposes and
>                  windows
>                  7 for entertainment only. I am familiar with Fedora also.
>                  C++ is the language that i use most ( programming
>         purposes). For
>                  implementing various  course projects i have used C++
>         ,python
>                  ,Java and
>                  matlab.
>                  I have no experience with hardware. The only experience
>         that i
>                  had with
>                  networking was during my computer network course.
>                  *
>                  Please provide details of previous GIS experience:*
>                  I am a part of "Lab for Spatial Informatics" which is
>         the only
>                  lab in
>                  India devoted to GIS applications and learning. I am
>         familiar
>                  with and
>                  have used almost all the open source GIS platforms like
>         Quantum ,
>                  OpenJump, ILwis,Grass.  We have our own rendering
>         platform that was
>                  developed by our lab.(LSI viewer)
>                  *Please provide details of any previous involvement
>         with GIS
>                  programming
>                  and other software programming:*
>                  I am very much familiar with Gdal/OGR  as i used it
>         extensively
>                  while
>                  implementing an outsourced project of Honeywell
>                  Technology . I have played a lot with ESRI shape files.
>                  *Please tell us why you are interested in GIS and open
>         source
>                  software:*
>                  I was very impressed with google earth when it was
>         launched way
>                  back in
>                  2004.GIS platforms like quantum and Openjump were
>         introduced  to
>                  me when
>                  i was in my second year and then i joined Lab for spatial
>                  informatics
>                  that is in our college based on my interest in this area.
>                  open source platforms provide an opportunity to learn .
>         The best
>                  part is
>                  you can always create or develop something that you are
>                  interested in
>                  and there are people who will always be there to help
>         you if you
>                  are stuck.
>                  *
>                  Please tell us why you are interested in working for
>         OSGeo and the
>                  software project you have selected:*
>                  It will be huge learning experience  since i have been
>         using
>                  platforms
>                  like Qgis , Gdal ,PostGis etc which come under Osgeo
>                  I chose pgrouting because the algorithms that they have
>                  implemented are
>                  related to my masters topic and it will be great if i
>         get an insight
>                  about how these were implemented on a much larger scale.
>                  *Please tell us why you are interested in your specific
>         coding
>                  project:*
>                  Implementing routing algorithms for real world networks is
>                  actually very
>                  challenging.its a challenge to come up with good
>         approaches so
>                  that the
>                  computation cost and response time is both reduced.
>                  *Would your application contribute to your ongoing
>                  studies/degree? If
>                  so, how?*
>                  I am pursuing my Masters and my topic is closely
>         related to my
>                  proposal
>                  . If the results are impressive , i might get a
>         publication in
>                  this area.
>                  *Please explain how you intend to continue being an
>         active member of
>                  your project and/or OSGeo AFTER the summer is over:*
>                  I was always interested in open source programming but
>         never
>                  knew where
>                  to start . GSOC  provides an opportunity for beginners
>         like me
>                  to take a
>                  dive in the area  open source programming. i have other
>         ideas like
>                  implementing IRNN ( In route nearest neighbour
>         querries) which
>                  can be
>                  implemented within pgRouting.I have other intentions like
>                  working for
>                  bigger projects like Quantum Gis or Grass.I will be
>         contributing
>                  to the
>                  community forum and will always try to improve things.
>                  *Do you understand this is a serious commitment,
>         equivalent to a
>                  full-time paid summer internship or summer job?*
>                  Yes, I understand that this is a serious commitment and
>         will try
>                  to give
>                  my best and work in a professional manner.
>                  *Do you have any known time conflicts during the
>         official coding
>                  period?
>                  (June 17 to Sept. 27)*
>                  No .
>                  On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 12:47 AM, Stephen Woodbridge
>                  <woodbri at swoodbridge.com
>         <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>
>         <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.__com <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>>
>                  <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.
>         <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.>____com
>                  <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.__com
>         <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>>>> wrote:
>                       On 4/24/2013 2:34 PM, Mukul priya wrote:
>                           Hi Steve and Daniel ,
>                           I have posted my proposal on Melange Gsoc
>         system. Do
>                  have a look
>                           at it.
>                           Waiting for feedback and suggestions.
>                       Can you post a link to your proposal? or the text
>         of it
>                  here also. I
>                       can never find anything in Melange or I may not have
>                  visibility to
>                       it yet as I just applied as a mentor.
>                       Thanks,
>                          -Steve
>                       _____________________________________________________
>                       pgrouting-dev mailing list
>         pgrouting-dev at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:pgrouting-dev at lists.osgeo.org>
>                  <mailto:pgrouting-dev at lists.__osgeo.org
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>                  <mailto:pgrouting-dev at lists.
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>         _________________________________________________
>         pgrouting-dev mailing list
>         pgrouting-dev at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:pgrouting-dev at lists.osgeo.org>
>         http://lists.osgeo.org/__mailman/listinfo/pgrouting-dev
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>     _________________________________________________
>     pgrouting-dev mailing list
>     pgrouting-dev at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:pgrouting-dev at lists.osgeo.org>
>     http://lists.osgeo.org/__mailman/listinfo/pgrouting-dev
>     <http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/pgrouting-dev>
> _______________________________________________
> pgrouting-dev mailing list
> pgrouting-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/pgrouting-dev

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