[pgrouting-dev] tsp problem

Dave Potts dave.potts at pinan.co.uk
Mon Mar 4 11:48:01 PST 2013

On 04/03/13 16:23, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
Hi Steve,

Whats going to be included in pgrouting 2.0
What is in the wish list,
Which platforms will be supported ?

> Hi Jaime,
> I'm not sure there is anyone that knows much about the original tsp 
> integration still on the list.
> I am starting a project targeted to release a pgrouting 2.0. We have 
> wishlist items in this plan to replace Gaul and cgal libraries if we 
> have time to integrate a suitable replacement.
> If you are able to dig into this and create a pull request, I will be 
> going through a lot of the open pull requests at some point in this 
> process, but if we replace gaul that will be moot for 2.0. That said I 
> expect there will be people that need the fix for the current releases.
> -Steve W
> On 3/4/2013 10:38 AM, Jaime Casanova wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 3:09 PM, Jaime Casanova 
>> <jaime at 2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I installed pgrouting with tsp on a centos 5 machine with postgres
>>> 8.4.5 and postgis 1.3.6.
>>> When i tried to run this query:
>>> """
>>> SELECT *
>>> FROM 
>>> tsp_astar_directed('view_viasnodo','38151,38151,35604,35586,20948,39935,35457,40636,40242,35485,19143,40079,40335,40058,19058',38147,12000,false,false);
>>> """
>>> i get this message "ERROR:  relation "tsp_test" does not exist at
>>> character 328" which is because the function tsp_astar_directed() in
>>> routing_tsp_wrappers.sql has an UNION ALL that takes values from that
>>> table... i workaround that problem creating a dummy tsp_test table...
>>> but then when i try the same select i get "segmentation fault", this
>>> is the backtrace:
>> I posted this on 2011 but it seems i posted in the users list. I also
>> created issue # 27 (https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/issues/27)
>> on github.
>> On that issue someone suggested to replace al ocurrences of "tsp_test"
>> with " ' || quote_ident(geom_table) || ' ", which i did (recently) but
>> now i get this other crash (which i reported in a comment on that same
>> issue).
>> """
>> Core was generated by `postgres: postgres db [local] SELECT '.
>> Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
>> #0 0x00007f301738965d in find_tsp_solution (num=, dist=,
>> p_ids=0x7fff89d10b40, source=,
>> fit=0x7fff89d10be8, err_msg=) at
>> /usr/src/debug/pgrouting-1.05/extra/tsp/src/tsp_solver.cpp:299
>> 299 if(score < ga_get_entity_from_rank(pop,0)->fitness)
>> """
>> as you can see this is failing at tsp_solver line 299 which is an "if
>> " statement and the only thing i can see as a possible problem is the
>> function ga_get_entity_from_rank() which comes from GAUL.
>> ideas?
>> -- 
>> Jaime Casanova         www.2ndQuadrant.com
>> Professional PostgreSQL: Soporte 24x7 y capacitación
>> Phone: +593 4 5107566         Cell: +593 987171157
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