[pgrouting-dev] Quick 2.0 Update

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Mar 7 08:21:08 PST 2013

Maybe :) Contributions would be welcome. Seriously if people want to 
contribute building test cases is a great way. Let me know and we can 
discuss the basic requirements. We could probably build a test database 
that has:

1. raw edge table
2. a table of queries to run on that table
3. a collection of stored procedures that validate query results

The idea be that we can run one query like:

select * from run_tests();
Test 1 - OK
Test 2 - Failed
Test 3 - OK

Or something along these lines. Automation can come later, if we have 
the database and the test queries.

I have thought about testing in the past an looked into some schemes for 
building automated tests but non that I have been happy with.

Testing has three major dimensions in my mind:

1. a test infrastructure for automating tests
2. unit tests that focus on the C/C++ algorithm code outside the DB
3. integration testing in the database

That said, I need to get the src tree reorganized and building and 
installing first.


On 3/7/2013 11:05 AM, Dave Potts wrote:
> On 07/03/13 06:40, Daniel Kastl wrote:
> Hi
> Is there any chance of including a 'test' database with this release?
> It could be used as a example to show that you have installed pg routing
> correctly, it would also ensure known set of test cases exists from
> every different method of generatinga route.
> Dave.
>>     OK, that is great. I'm happy with the progress so far and I hope
>>     to make good progress on getting cmake to pull everything into an
>>     extension. Once that happens, can turn my focus the actual code.
>>     I also noticed that the CMake site as a CTest package. I have not
>>     looked at it but I'm wondering if it might not be good for
>>     building our test infrastructure with. Have anyone looked at this?
>>     http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake#CTest
>>     While it is important that we do something with respect to
>>     testing, I do not want to jump in without looking into what
>>     postgis and mapserver projects are already doing.
>> I think it's good to look what related projects do. And maybe they can
>> tell, why they choose this tool and not another one.
>> Or maybe they can say if they are happy with their decision.
>> Once I looked for some extensions I found pgTAP, which could be also
>> interesting: http://pgtap.org/
>> I have no preference so far. With past decisions it was usually good
>> to look at what other OSGeo projects do.
>> Daniel
>> --
>> Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
>> eMail: daniel.kastl at georepublic.de <mailto:daniel.kastl at georepublic.de>
>> Web: http://georepublic.de <http://georepublic.de/>
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