[pgrouting-dev] Problems linking on mingw64 between boost, cgal and threads

sanak geosanak at gmail.com
Tue Mar 12 06:15:42 PDT 2013

Hi Stephen,

I updated MinGW32/64 build instruction to my "mingw" branch,
and checked that MinGW64-bit build successed. (but not tested)
so, retry from boost build about ISSUE1. (Thanks Pieter!)

2013/3/12 Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com>

> Hi all,
> I'm stuck at the moment trying to link the pgrouting driving directions
> module using mingw 64 bit. See the issues below. So if anyone has any
> thoughts on this it would be appreciated. I will check the current state of
> the files into my branch in the morning here (GMT-5) if you are setup to
> reproduce this. It is too late to do it with a clear head tonight. I'll
> also move it back to Linux and try again there as I have changed a lot of
> files.
> Thanks,
>   -Steve
> I have followed Sanak's directions from:
> https://github.com/sanak/**pgrouting4w/blob/master/BUILD.**mingw64<https://github.com/sanak/pgrouting4w/blob/master/BUILD.mingw64>
> ISSUE 1:
> I first installed boost_1_51.zip but ran into problems compiling so
> installed boost_1_46_1.zip as he suggested. I was able to bootstrap 1_51
> and get a bjam.exe without a problem. But I could not get 1_46_1 to
> bootstrap :(
> Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
> Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
> c:\ming64\projects\boost_1_46_**1>bootstrap.bat mingw
> Building Boost.Jam build engine
> 'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.
> Failed to build Boost.Jam build engine.
> Please consult bjam.log for furter diagnostics.
> You can try to obtain a prebuilt binary from
>    http://sf.net/project/**showfiles.php?group_id=7586&**package_id=72941<http://sf.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7586&package_id=72941>
> Also, you can file an issue at http://svn.boost.org
> Please attach bjam.log in that case.
> c:\ming64\projects\boost_1_46_**1>
> So I built 1_46_1 using the bjam.exe that I built in 1_51 and it seems to
> have worked ok, but maybe that is part of the problem.
> ISSUE 2:
> Is the follow mess from the linker
> Scanning dependencies of target routing_dd
> [ 80%] Building C object core/driving_distance/src/**
> CMakeFiles/routing_dd.dir/**alpha.c.obj
> [ 86%] Building CXX object core/driving_distance/src/**
> CMakeFiles/routing_dd.dir/**alpha_drivedist.cpp.obj
> In file included from c:/ming64/projects/pgx64/pg92/**
> include/postgresql/server/pg_**config_os.h:37:0,
>                  from c:/ming64/projects/pgx64/pg92/**
> include/postgresql/server/c.h:**87,
>                  from c:/ming64/projects/pgx64/pg92/**
> include/postgresql/server/**postgres.h:47,
>                  from c:/ming64/projects/pgrouting/**
> core/driving_distance/src/**alpha.h:27,
>                  from c:/ming64/projects/pgrouting/**
> core/driving_distance/src/**alpha_drivedist.cpp:46:
> c:\ming64\mingw64\bin\../lib/**gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.5.4/.**
> ./../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/**include/winsock2.h:13:2: warning:
> #warning Please include winsock2.h before windows.h
> [ 93%] Building CXX object core/driving_distance/src/**
> CMakeFiles/routing_dd.dir/**boost_drivedist.cpp.obj
> [100%] Building C object core/driving_distance/src/**
> CMakeFiles/routing_dd.dir/**drivedist.c.obj
> Linking CXX shared library ../../../lib/librouting_dd.dll
> Creating library file: ../../../lib/librouting_dd.**dll.a
> c:/ming64/msys/local/lib/**libboost_thread-mgw45-mt-1_46_**1.a(thread.o):
> duplicate section `.data$_ZTVN5boost16exception_**detail10clone_implINS0_*
> *19error_info_injectorISt9bad_**allocEEEE[vtable for
> boost::exception_detail::**clone_impl<boost::exception_**
> detail::error_info_injector<**std::bad_alloc> >]' has different size
> c:/ming64/msys/local/lib/**libCGAL.a(all_files.cpp.obj):**all_files.cpp:(.text+0xf898):
> undefined reference to  `boost::system::generic_**category()'
> c:/ming64/msys/local/lib/**libCGAL.a(all_files.cpp.obj):**all_files.cpp:(.text+0xf8a4):
> undefined reference to `boost::system::generic_**category()'
> c:/ming64/msys/local/lib/**libCGAL.a(all_files.cpp.obj):**all_files.cpp:(.text+0xf8b0):
> undefined reference to `boost::system::system_**category()'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[2]: *** [lib/librouting_dd.dll] Error 1
> make[1]: *** [core/driving_distance/src/**CMakeFiles/routing_dd.dir/all]
> Error 2
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> ______________________________**_________________
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