[pgrouting-dev] pgRouting 2.0 Update

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Tue Mar 12 20:13:05 PDT 2013

Hi all,

I'm making some progress with pgRouting on Win64. I have been able to 
get my source tree to compile which means I have worked through the 
various issues of installing the various dependencies to pgRouting. 
There are still a few minor issues in this regard and Sanak is looking 
into one related to installing boost.

My source tree is not complete yet from the point of view that it still 
needs changes for:

1. creating all the postgresql extension files and installing them properly
2. for up grading the SQL to work with postgis 2.0+
3. testing the installed code
4. getting everything to work with 32 bit builds

But getting the dependencies to install and getting the source to 
compile on MinGW64 is a huge step. I have also brought the source back 
to Linux and made a few changes there. So a lot of back and forth to 
keep everything working on both sides.


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