[pgrouting-dev] pgRouting 2.0 Update

Daniel Kastl daniel at georepublic.de
Wed Mar 13 08:46:53 PDT 2013

>  My cmake files were not designed to work outside the source tree. I
>>> think all your errors above are a result of this. I didn't think
>>> about doing this, but there is no reason that I could support this
>>> at some point. I'm very new to working with cmake so suggestions,
>>> help and/or pull requests would be appreciated. I suspect that I
>>> would need to establish the root of the src tree, then make all the
>>> paths absolute or something along those lines. Do you have an
>>> example of a project that does this?
>> QGIS does that. But I don't really have tips on using cmake, so far
>> I've seen _no_ project using cmake and giving the same level of features
>> you have with autoconf. /me cmake hater :)
> I'm not that fond of it either, but it is what the project has been using.
> I suppose I could drop it all together, but that might be a bigger issue
> for some people than having to upgrade to the latest version.
Hi Sandro,

There are also people, who like CMake, I think ;-) ... I'm pretty neutral,
mainly because I don't know well enough about it.
I remember when pgRouting used CMake for the first time and I liked it
better that time.

Anyway, this is not something written to stone, so if there are good
reasons not to use CMake, then we can talk about alternatives.
I remember to have talked with Paul Ramsey at previous FOSS4G and he said,
that PostGIS might use CMake in the future.
But I don't know if this is still the case. Probably you know better, if
there are any plans.


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl at georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de
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