[pgrouting-dev] Help: I have a weird bug!

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Fri May 3 18:50:10 PDT 2013

On 5/3/2013 8:50 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Hi Devs,
> I have run into a nasty bug while merging the bi-directional astar and
> dijkstra algorithms.
> Currently most of the code is getting merged into a single shared
> object. I can run tests after I merge code. the trsp code hangs the
> backend (requires a kill -9 to stop the process) if it is linked with
> the bi-directional stuff. I'm not even running the bidirectional code as
> the trsp is the first test.
> I get no warnings or errors when I compile or link or install but
> running the trsp query hangs everything.
> Rebuilt with the bi-directional code and everything is fine.
> The test process creates a new database and installs the extensions,
> loads the data, runs the queries. So it is a clean start each time.
> I have no idea how to debug this? as it appears to be a linker issue, or
> collision of symbols or globals or some such.
> Any ideas or thoughts on this?
> I can try to create a new shared library for the bi-directional code,
> but it seems like this issue should be tracked down and fixed if possible.

As a followup to this issue, putting the bi-directional code in its own 
library avoids the back-end hang. I don't like not knowing what the 
problem is because it will come back an bite us later, but at least this 
provides another data point and a potential work-a-round to the problem.

Does this jog anyone's memory around similar issues you have encountered?


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