[pgrouting-dev] RbRouting ruby wrapper for select pgRouting 2.0 functions

Jordan Anderson jordandrsn at gmail.com
Mon Mar 10 21:34:14 PDT 2014

Hey all,

I'm working on a ruby wrapper for some pgRouting 2.0 functions that
I'm calling RbRouting. This is based on some ruby code that I pulled
out of ridethecity.com and made a bit more generic. Currently, I've
defined classes to generate TRSP, Dijkstra, and A* shortest paths, as
well as a method to run osm2pgrouting. (I haven't actually tested the
restrict_sql part of TRSP yet, but in theory it should work!)

My goal is to provide this plus a generic version of the logic
ridethecity.com uses to generate its turn-by-turn directions, too,
possibly via a separate class or plugin gem.

Here's the repository: https://github.com/jordanderson/rb_routing

I haven't published this to rubygems yet as it's still pretty rough
around the edges and has no documentation, but I'd appreciate your
feedback, issue reporting, or pull requests!


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