[pgrouting-dev] Ist there a chance to provide pgRouting extension 2.6.x or 3.1.x as rpm packages released for SLES12 SP5 and SLES15 SP2

Kämpf, Heiko (OWL-IT) h.kaempf2 at owl-it.de
Wed Jan 20 22:40:30 PST 2021

Dear pgRouting development Team,

as far as we could see, there doesn't seem to be any pgRouting extension rpm packages available
at https://pgrouting.org/download.html, that is released for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
Is there a chance to provide rpm packages, released for SLES12 SP5 or SLES15 SP2, in the next time?
If not, can you recommend what kind of source code version can be used, when runnig Linux SLES12 SP5.

We have installed postgreSQL 10 and postgreSQL 11 version including postGIS 30 extension in our environment.
We got trouble when trying to run cmake/make with pgRouting extension version 3.1.2 about missing  boost and some xxx.hpp files.
We downloaded boost_1_54_0.tar from your download site and copied the files to include/boost directory
but run into trouble of some missing varaibles or "wrong" search paths for the copied xxx.hpp files.
The post-dev package version that comes with SLES12 SP5 is 1.54, that's the reason for using the files from boost_1_54_0.tar.

However: With pgRouting version 2.6.3 cmake/make and make install worked fine, so we are going to test this version, soon.

Many thanks
Kind regards
Heiko Kämpf

Ostwestfalen-Lippe-IT Paderborn
Technologiepark 11
33100 Paderborn
E-Mail:    h.kaempf2 at owl-it.de<mailto:h.kaempf at owl-it.de>

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