[pgrouting-dev] Incubate pgRouting as OSGeo Project

Vicky Vergara vicky at georepublic.de
Tue Jul 26 08:35:57 PDT 2022

Hello Incubator committee,

We are making a formal request to the incubation committee to incubate
We have read the [1], [2] and [3] and we think that most of the points
as most, if not all, are already done for pgRouting.

>From [1] pgROuting fulfils all the requirements to make the application:

   - geospatial: pgRouting is a library that helps solve geospatial
   problems, routing in particular.
   - open source license: pgRouting is under GPLv2 for the code, and CC
   BY-SA 3.0 for the documentation.
   - accepts contributions: pgRouting accepts contributions from
   documentation and bug fixes, up to creation of new functionality.
   - source code check, with source code audit: all of pgRouting's PR needs
   to be reviewed.
   - open community with transparent communication and decision making
   process: pgRouting has 2 mailing lists, a gitter chat and an IRC channel.
   - active and healthy community with user and developer collaboration,
   drawing members from several organizations for long term viability:
   pgRouting has this large range of contributors.
   - development supported by version control and issue tracker: pgRouting
   uses github.
   - developer leadership offering both transparent decision making and an
   opportunity for new members to participate: pgRouting uses the
   communication tools to promote this.
   - user documentation and developer documentation: pgRouting has both
   - release procedure covering both the release process and documented
   testing process: We have both, a procedure document, and the tests are
   carried out on github actions.

In the next mail, the link to the questionnaire [2] on a trac ticket
will be given.


[1] https://www.osgeo.org/about/committees/incubation/
[2] https://www.osgeo.org/about/committees/incubation/application/
[3] https://www.osgeo.org/wp-content/uploads/graduation_checklist.pdf


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Vicky Vergara
Operations Research

eMail: vicky at georepublic.de
Web: https://georepublic.info

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