[pgrouting-dev] PSC Meeting now

Ko Nagase nagase at georepublic.co.jp
Sun Mar 12 18:01:11 PDT 2023

Hi list,

It is too late, but here is my meeting memo (Markdown format) from the
previous meeting.


Just memo (links, .etc) in the meeting.
* https://github.com/cvvergara/pgrouting/wiki/Draft:-Users-before-December-8,-2016
  * Move to upstream (pgRouting/pgrouting) with adding "YES" column
* PRs check
  * https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/pull/2475 => Merged
  * https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/pull/2473
    * Working in cvvergara `arrays_input_no_cast` branch
      * `include/cpp_common/get_data.hpp`
      * `src/common/edges_input.cpp` - Call `pgrouting::get_data` with
C++ template way
    * It will reduce the code a lot.
    * Planning to release v 3.6.
* Kosovo - pgRouting Workshop (Rajat)
  * We want to use pgRouting 3.5 and that's why we want to hurry up the release.
  * Vicky will ask OSGeoLive team to upgrade pgRouting version.
* FOSS4G NA in November (Jeffery Johnson)
* GSoC
  * Twitch meeting => move to video.osgeo.org, if possible
* Meeting Schedule
  * Rajat requested this
  * Regina suggested to use NextCloud (https://nextcloud.osgeo.org) to share it.
    * Regina added `pgRouting` folder access to every attendees.



2023年2月27日(月) 22:05 Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us>:
> https://adventure.osgeo.org
> We are in the meeting now.
> PSC members please join if you can.
> Thanks,
> Regina
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> pgrouting-dev at lists.osgeo.org
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