[pgrouting-users] pgrouting with TeleAtlas Multinet

Daniel Kastl daniel at georepublic.de
Tue Sep 20 01:16:46 EDT 2011

Hi Ricardo,

If you have data as SHP files you can import the data with shp2psql or so.
I'm not sure if your TeleAtlas data already contains "source" and "target"
attribute. If not, then take a look at the workshop how to create a routing
topology: http://workshop.pgrouting.org/chapters/topology.html

In the end you should at least have the following attributes

   - gid
   - source
   - target
   - cost
   - the_geom

Depending on the shortest path algorithm you need more or less attributes.
But this is also explained in the workshop.
You can rename columns if they have another name, or you can create a "VIEW"
or use "ALIAS" to get the column names right.

Hope that helps,

On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 5:08 AM, Ricardo Silva Pedro <
Ricardo.SilvaPedro at tecmic.pt> wrote:

> **
> Hi, I'm a new user of PostGis and PGRouting.
> I'm using a Geoserver + OpenLayers solution with own TeleAtlas shape-files.
> I have license for using the NW layer in routing mode, and I'm trying to
> find tutorial to know how to build a network in PGRouting.
> Can someone help-me finding information on that.
> I'm now using RWNet and I have all the "recipe" to create the network
> information based on a Multinet shapefile, but I want to try the PGRouting.
> Thank you in advance
> Ricardo Pedro
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Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl at georepublic.de
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