[pgrouting-users] Traveling Salesperson (TSP) missing TSP_TEST table

Dave Potts dave.potts at pinan.co.uk
Mon Feb 13 17:35:01 EST 2012

Hi List

I am trying to use the traveling sales map support functions.

They all seem to require the setup of a support table called tsp_test

Has  there been any follows up to Steves email on this subject
Steve Horn wrote:
> I began playing around with the TSP functions in pgrouting (v1.0.5) and
> came into some problems.
> Guess the first question to ask is what is the current state of the TSP
> algorithms?
> Second, the problem I ran into was when running the tsp function...
> tsp(sql
> text, ids character varying, source integer)
> ..anytime I ran it it would disconnect my session from postgresql.
> The next thing I tried was to try running tsp_dijkstra(geom_table
> character
> varying, ids character varying, source integer)
> Here I got the error "relation "tsp_test" does not exist". Apparently
> "tsp_test" is a table, but I can't find anything on what it is supposed to
> contain.
> Can anyone help with a little direction on how to get through these
> problems?
> Thanks!
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