[pgrouting-users] suspected bug in TSP distance matrix pgRouting RC1 released

sanak geosanak at gmail.com
Fri Jul 19 05:02:29 PDT 2013

Hi Dave, Stephen,

I encountered the same issue(
https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/issues/159 ),
so, I sent the pull request(https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/pull/160

> Stephen
Could you check my pull request?


2013/7/19 Dave Potts <dave.potts at pinan.co.uk>

> I have been trying to do some work which requires the tsp, some of my
> values have values of 0.1 in the dataset, I keep getting odd results.
> So I tried a well known example from the  pgr _tsp distance page and it
> work as expected.
> I then repeated the same example but reduced all of the distance by a
> factor off 10 and got an error.  Unless I have make a mistake in my
> understanding of the manual page, I think we might a problem where
> -- version used
> select pgr_version();
>                    pgr_version
> ------------------------------**-------------------
>  (2.0.0-dev,v2.0.0-rc1,0,**bf13fd7,develop,1.48.0)
> -- Use a example get a result set
> SELECT seq, id FROM pgr_tsp('{{0,1,3,3},{1,0,2,2},**
> {3,2,0,2},{3,2,2,0}}'::float8[**],1);
>  seq | id
> -----+----
>    0 |  1
>    1 |  2
>    2 |  3
>    3 |  0
> (4 rows)
> -- repeat for reduce everything by  scale factor of 10  ie 1.0 becomes 0.1
> etc
> SELECT seq, id FROM pgr_tsp('{{0,0.1,0.3,0.3},{0.**
> 1,0,0.2,0.2},{0.3,0.2,0,0.2},{**0.3,0.2,0.2,0}}'::float8[],1);
> ERROR:  Error TSP fail to findEulerianPath, check your distance matrix is
> valid.
> As far as I understand it my matrix has 0's on the leading diangonal  and
> [a,b] == [b,a]
> Dave.
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Ko Nagase (sanak)
Georepublic Japan
mail: geosanak at gmail.com
        nagase at georepublic.co.jp
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