[pgrouting-users] Regarding pgrouting and postgis for shortest path

Raghavan Krishnasamylakshmanaperumal rkrish20 at uic.edu
Thu Jan 16 09:46:21 PST 2014

Recently I started using PostGIS for my academic project which is a route
recommendation system. I have stored the data in the following format.

*gid=>integer, activity=>varchar(20), geom geometry(Point,4326)*

geometry points are longitude and latitude information, for example if you
record your Running activity using a gps device, each point record
(longitude & latitude) is stored in the geom column.

I need to find the shortest path(using Dijkistra's) between any two geom
points from this data set and I am trying to automate this using some
programming language like Java.

Please can you suggest me how to make use of pgrouting and postgis data to
figure out the shortest path. Is there any library available to automate
this using Java. I am totally stuck on my project and finally came to know
about this mailing list.

Thanks and Regards,
Raghavan KL
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