[pgrouting-users] Calculating the shortest way between pairs

Carsten Hogertz carsten.hogertz at gmail.com
Fri Mar 14 07:26:09 PDT 2014

Maybe to clearify.

I've got the following two tables:

Table at_2po_4pgr with the columns:

  id integer NOT NULL,
  osm_id bigint,
  osm_name character varying,
  osm_meta character varying,
  osm_source_id bigint,
  osm_target_id bigint,
  clazz integer,
  flags integer,
  source integer,
  target integer,
  km double precision,
  kmh integer,
  cost2 double precision,
  reverse_cost double precision,
  x1 double precision,
  y1 double precision,
  x2 double precision,
  y2 double precision,
  geom_way geometry(LineString,4326)

and Table routing_pair with the columns:

  id integer,
  h_key integer,
  lat_htl double precision,
  lon_htl double precision,
  source integer,
  geom_htl geometry(Point,4326),
  lat_bhf double precision,
  lon_bhf double precision,
  target integer,
  geom_bhf geometry(Point,4326)

The routing_pair table hold three important information:

All columns are filled (source + target are calculated from at_2po_4pgr.

The task seems to be quite simple: I want for each row from the
routing_pair the distance between soure + target (and if possible its geom).
Could you please help me how to solve this?

Thank you very very much!

2014-03-13 17:56 GMT+01:00 Carsten Hogertz <carsten.hogertz at gmail.com>:

> Hi everybody,
> I have a table with about lets say 1.000 rows of pairs of
> origin/destination and a routable network table.
> The origin/destination table (my_route) has a
> - pair_id
> - source (calculated nearest node from the network table)
> - target (also calculated from the network table)
> Where do I have to start or what do I have to do to get the shortest path
> between these pairs?
> Could anybody please help me to solve this?
> Thanks
> ch
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