[pgrouting-users] Routing via different Layers/Levels

AUS - Eyad b00038807 at aus.edu
Mon Jan 5 12:57:20 PST 2015

Hi All,


Is there a way to conduct nodding for part of a network instead of the whole
network in order to restrict routing through specific channels (i.e. 2
layers network where access is restricted via ramps)?


I tried the below 2 codes:


1)      select pgr_nodeNetwork('schema.network_table',50,'id','geom') FROM
schema.network_table where (Layer='first_level');

2)      select pgr_nodeNetwork('schema.network_table' where


The first is entering endless loop processing the data; the second is
returning a syntax Error (@WHERE)!


I know that the second sounds clearly wrong code, but I provided the above
example trying to brain-storm with all.


If there is no option to do the required while nodding or creating_topology,
is it possible to utilize 2 separately_noded networks (instead of the below
highlighted one) within the following code?


SELECT seq, id1 as source, id2 as target, cost FROM pgr_kdijkstraCost(

    'SELECT id, source, target, (st_length(geom) * 0.001) as cost FROM

    (SELECT id FROM schema.p_table WHERE id=1), (SELECT array_agg(id) FROM
schema.p_table), false, false



Please advise suitable/potential code..



Happy New Year to ALL



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