[pgrouting-users] PGR_DIJKSTRA execution time
Omar Fernando Pessôa
omar.pessoa at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 11:42:29 PDT 2016
Hi guys.
I am using OSM to generate my road postgis database (south of Brazil).
My vertex table has 1282959 rows.
To decrease time to run PGR_DIJKSTRA I have make a box from my
"destinations" position. Decreasing it to 18264 rows in a materialized view
with indexes.
Then running PGR_DIJKSTRA, with k x k (k = 100+- vertex). The running time
of PGR_DIJKSTRA is something about 30s.
This is a good "time"? Can I do it better?
*drop materialized view if exists view_vertex;*
*create materialized view view_vertex as((select id, the_geom,
vel_med,source, target, cost, reverse_cost from vertex_ruas where the_geom
&& 'POLYGON((-49.3954855 -27.0998678,-49.3954855 -26.6055895,-48.7818607
-26.6055895,-48.7818607 -27.0998678,-49.3954855 -27.0998678))'::geometry
and status <> 1) UNION ALL(select id, the_geom, vel_med,source, target,
cost, reverse_cost from vertex_ruas_aux where the_geom &&
'POLYGON((-49.3954855 -27.0998678,-49.3954855 -26.6055895,-48.7818607
-26.6055895,-48.7818607 -27.0998678,-49.3954855 -27.0998678))'::geometry
and status <> 1)); *
*CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_id_view_vertex ON view_vertex(id);*
*CREATE INDEX idx_source_view_vertex ON view_vertex(source);*
*CREATE INDEX idx_target_view_vertex ON view_vertex(target);*
*insert into trajetos select id, ids, idt, st_length(the_geom::geography)
as distancia , sequencia, sequencia_vertex, the_geom, vel_med from(SELECT
start_vid || '-' || end_vid as id,start_vid as ids, end_vid as idt,
array_to_string(array_agg(edge),',') as sequencia,
array_to_string(array_agg(node),',') as
sequencia_vertex,ST_LineMerge(st_collect(the_geom)) as the_geom,
avg(vel_med) as vel_med FROM pgr_dijkstra( 'SELECT id, source, target,
cost, reverse_cost FROM view_vertex' ,
true)join view_vertex t on t.id <http://t.id> = edge group by start_vid,
end_vid order by start_vid, end_vid)a;*
This is my way to do this. (example).
Thanks guys! Waiting for withpoints to make me happy. This *vertex_ruas_aux
*table is a helper table to create new vertex using *ST_LineLocatePoint *from
*vertex_ruas, *status is set to 1 to make this invalid, generating 2 new
linestrings *vertex_ruas_aux*.
*Omar Fernando Pessôa*
Desenvolvedor de Sistemas / Systems Software Developer
C++ / PHP / C# / Javascript
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