[pgrouting-users] osm2pgrouting mapconfig.xml documentation

Spencer Gardner spencergardner at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 08:59:51 PDT 2016

Is there complete documentation for the configuration file used by
osm2pgrouting? I can't find anything on Github or the project page. I have
the following specific questions:

   1. My routing algorithm will often need more than a single tag. For
   example, if a way is tagged "highway:primary" but also tagged with
   "cycleway:lane" I need both pieces of information. How does osm2pgrouting
   handle this and how do I set something in mapconfig.xml to account for it?
   2. Is it possible to include tags on nodes during import? My routing
   also needs to know the location of traffic signals, which are often tagged
   at junctions. Can this be done in mapconfig.xml?


p.s. Apologies if this isn't the right list for this question. As far as I
can tell there is no dedicated list for osm2pgrouting questions.
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