[Portugal] A Photoshop for Graphs - Introducing Gephi

termal12 termal12 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 6 11:16:16 EDT 2010

  Enviado para você por termal12 através do Google Reader: A Photoshop
for Graphs - Introducing Gephi via Digital Urban de Smithee em 26/03/10
The last 12 months have seen the release of vast amounts of publicly
available data, which has led to a bit of conundrum on how to easily
visualise complex networks. What is needed is a 'Photoshop for Graphs'
which is exactly what Gephi is. In short, Gephi is an interactive
visualization and exploration platform for all kinds of networks and
complex systems, dynamic and hierarchical graphs - the movie is great:
Introducing Gephi 0.7 from gephi on Vimeo.
Gephi runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Gephi is open-source and
free, whats not to like...

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- Inscrever-se no Digital Urban usando o Google Reader
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