[Portugal] Artigo de opinião "Something for Nothing"

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 13:22:11 EST 2010

> Já conhecem o artigo de opinião, de RJ Zimmer, intitulado de 
> Qual a vossa opinião?



O editor já foi questionado, e reencaminhou a resposta do autor, a qual
obviamente seguiu outra por parte do PSC do QGIS

> My opinion? I have none. I'm a surveyor and for the past 15 years, a
> magazine editor. I rely on surveyor/authors like Rj, especially when 
> it comes to GIS. Did I answer your question?

Not. Very strange that an editor has no opinion on a critique + reply to
an article he edited.

"I stand by my opinion": the author did not put forward an opinion, he 
just wrote without bothering to get any information.

"what I like and what I don't like": are we talking about cuisine, or 
software? How taste can have a relevance without looking at the software

"my findings": which findings?

"they would have contacted me directly to find out why my experience 
with their software was not a good one": I am fond of critiques, but the
lazy and arrogant author did not even *tried* the software (and he 
admitted it).

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