[Portugal] How to truly fuel the adoption of Open Source

termal12 termal12 at gmail.com
Sun May 16 10:37:40 EDT 2010



Enviado para você por termal12 através do Google Reader: How to truly
fuel the adoption of Open Source via GHABUNTU de opentechdiva em

A guest post by Ms. Darlene Parker from Opentechexchange. Ms Parker is
actively involved in the spread of Linux over here on the African
continent. She is an expert in FOSS deployment.

In a Sunday conversation with Luqman, we discussed what we thought were
the best avenues for the adoption of Open Source on a larger scale. We
agreed that students and small business could be key influencers in the
future widespread use of FOSS.

Luqman had some great insights as to why Internet cafes would be ideal
for exposing users to Ubuntu (or Linux). If 10 or 20 machines were
installed with Ubuntu, and 100 people a day used the systems, what
better way to have a hands on experience. Besides, the cafe owners
should be over the moon about not having to re-format daily because of
virus infections.

By exposing students to alternative computing solutions, this
introduces them to OSS, one of the most influential development
communities in ICT. Graduates will be telling future employers about
the benefits of Open Source and programming 'made at home' solutions
for unique business challenges.

To keep a narrow focus which states that employability is greater if
students have MS office skills & the like, is hogwash. Given the
potential savings for business in software licencing (pirating aside),
this allows for the budget to create more positions. As well, so many
large companies are utilizing open source in the background that there
is plenty of opportunity if sought out.

On a final note, the fact that Open Source allows for adoption of local
languages and content, this makes it all the more applicable and
attractive to education. What better way to ensure the survival of
local dialects and customs. We are a global village and all people have
such unique contributions. I look forward to seeing many of them. The
next billion users are waiting, let's show them the fantastic world of

Coisas que você pode fazer a partir daqui:
- Inscrever-se no GHABUNTU usando o Google Reader
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