[Portugal] OpenLayers Mobile Code Sprint Summary

Hugo Martins hfpmartins at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 16:45:44 EST 2011

Coisa LINDA!


Sent to you by Hugo Martins via Google Reader: OpenLayers Mobile Code
Sprint Summary via GeoExt by Cédric Moullet on 2/23/11
This week is quite busy for the 16 OpenLayers and GeoExt
developers/power users participating to the Mobile Code Sprint held in
Lausanne/Switzerland. The general goal of this week is to create the
basic components allowing the creation of mobile web mapping
Have a look at the following summary to see what's going on:

Tim Schaub also wrote summaries of day 1 and day 2 and Christopher
Schmidt explains some issues he encountered (blog 1 and blog 2).

I'd like to say that I'm more than impressed by the results and I look
forward to see other great things until the end of the week.
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