[Portugal] Fwd: Open Letter for the need for Open Standards in LiDAR

Artur Gil arturgil gmail.com
Segunda-Feira, 13 de Abril de 2015 - 12:34:03 PDT

---------- Forwarded message ----------

*To all colleagues in Academia, Government and Industry who have interest
in maintaining Open Standards:*

On behalf of *"Geo for All"* community, http://www.geoforall.org, I would
like to bring to your kind attention a significant development that can
lead to undermining our principle for Open Geospatial Standards. I request
you review the wikipage http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/LIDAR_Format_Letter
that is meant to represent our concern and allow for ongoing input and
expression by our geospatial community.

We specifically thank *Martin Isenburg* (author of LASzip and LAStools,
http://laszip.org and http://lastools.org) for  bringing this matter to our
attention (email below) and an email thread of our initial discussion of
this subject that highlight the wider implication of this issue

We request all who wish to support this effort to protect Open Standards
for Geospatial data to kindly add your name , email, affiliation details to
the wikipage directly or email  *Patrick Hogan* (Email -
patrick.hogan  nasa.gov ) with the subject heading *"Support for Open Geo
Standards"* and the following fields (Name, Email, Affiliation ) and we
will gladly add this to the wiki.

There is current interest by the OGC in pursuing point cloud encoding
standards, including a member-initiated mechanism to extend LAS data with
OGC-standard XML content. The OGC invites interested members who wish to
work on this effort to please contact *Scott Simmons* (Executive Director,
Standards Program  E-mail : ssimmons  opengeospatial.org  ) to register
their interest and discuss details.  OGC will also be holding an ad hoc
session at our next Technical Committee meeting in Boulder, CO, USA in June
1st (more details will be send soon) to bring together all interested from
all sectors (government, industry, academia) for this and plan next steps.
We welcome feedback and input from Esri and invite them to join this effort
to  support open LIDAR formats.

I thank you all again for your attention and support for this important

Best wishes,

Suchith Anand
Founder, GeoForAll
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