[Portugal] A beta-version of GeoGig is now available for download

Artur Gil arturgil gmail.com
Sexta-Feira, 29 de Janeiro de 2016 - 09:14:08 PST

GeoGig is an open source tool that draws inspiration from Git, but
adapts its core concepts to handle distributed versioning of
geospatial data.

Users are able to import raw geospatial data (currently from
Shapefiles, PostGIS or SpatiaLite) in to a repository where every
change to the data is tracked. These changes can be viewed in a
history, reverted to older versions, branched in to sandboxed areas,
merged back in, and pushed to remote repositories.

GeoGig is written in Java, and available under the Eclipse License.

A beta-version of GeoGig is now available for download at http://geogig.org/

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