[Portugal] Fwd: You can help HOT and partners eliminate malaria!
Victor Ferreira
victor.mota.ferreira gmail.com
Sexta-Feira, 3 de Março de 2017 - 07:05:08 PST
Para quem quiser doar algumas horas para uma causa mundial!
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From: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team <info hotosm.org>
Date: Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 3:02 PM
Subject: You can help HOT and partners eliminate malaria!
To: victor.mota.ferreira gmail.com
Help HOT and partners eliminate malaria!
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Help HOT map against malaria!
HOT is calling all mappers to help us and our partners eliminate malaria
with our biggest project to date! Nearly half of the world's population is
at risk of malaria. In 2015, there were roughly 212 million malaria cases
and an estimated 429 000 malaria deaths.*
HOT is working on two projects, mapping over *500,000 square kilometers in
7 countries*. This project collective is part of the Missing Maps
initiative in conjunction with DigitalGlobe,
the Clinton Health Access Initiative, the Gates Foundation, PATH and
MapBox. We're dedicating this whole week to support this crisis mapping
project, including a competition for our Youth Mappers chapters.
You can learn more
*WHO-10 Facts on Malaria
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