[Portugal] Open Book: "The Open Revolution"

Ricardo Pinho rpinho.lists gmail.com
Quarta-Feira, 27 de Junho de 2018 - 00:56:24 PDT

 Recomendação de leitura do autor "Rufus Pollock", fundador e
presidente da Open
Knowledge <https://okfn.org/>:
The Open Revolution <https://openrevolution.net/>
*Rewriting the rules of the information age*

Forget everything you think you know about the digital age. It’s not about
privacy, surveillance, AI or blockchain—it’s about *ownership*. Because, in
a digital age, who owns information controls the future.

In this urgent and provocative book, Rufus Pollock shows how today’s
"Closed" digital economy is the source of problems ranging from growing
inequality, to unaffordable medicines, to the power of a handful of tech
monopolies to control how we think and vote. He proposes a solution that
charts a path to a more equitable, innovative and profitable future for all.
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