[Portugal] Open Book: "The Open Revolution"
Victor Ferreira
victor.mota.ferreira gmail.com
Quarta-Feira, 27 de Junho de 2018 - 01:05:04 PDT
Muito bom Ricardo!
E a tempo de levar para ler para férias :-)
On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 8:56 AM, Ricardo Pinho <rpinho.lists gmail.com>
> Recomendação de leitura do autor "Rufus Pollock", fundador e presidente da Open
> Knowledge <https://okfn.org/>:
> The Open Revolution <https://openrevolution.net/>
> <https://openrevolution.net/>
> *Rewriting the rules of the information age*
> Forget everything you think you know about the digital age. It’s not about
> privacy, surveillance, AI or blockchain—it’s about *ownership*. Because,
> in a digital age, who owns information controls the future.
> In this urgent and provocative book, Rufus Pollock shows how today’s
> "Closed" digital economy is the source of problems ranging from growing
> inequality, to unaffordable medicines, to the power of a handful of tech
> monopolies to control how we think and vote. He proposes a solution that
> charts a path to a more equitable, innovative and profitable future for all.
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