[Portugal] Geospatial data and Spatial planning
Artur Gil
arturgil gmail.com
Sábado, 19 de Outubro de 2019 - 06:29:00 PDT
Geospatial data and Spatial planning
The City Academy on geospatial data application presents the main concepts
of using satellite data and types of satellite data to be used for
geo-spatial products. The main objective is to raise awareness on the
applications of geo-spatial data, challenges for implementation and
sustainability of the technology.
- What can EO provide for Urban Application? Overview on geo-spatial
products and quick show of example use cases.
- Introduction to Concepts in Remote Sensing Presentation of different
satellites, sensors and their specifications. An overview on Remote Sensing
for Cities Support on the Ground.
- Introduction to basic steps in production of Land Use Maps. Review of
data acquisition, pre-processing, classification.
- Application of spatial analytics using LU maps for urban planning.
Principles demonstrated via city cases.
- Online platform for generating spatial analytics and statistics: Urban
Thematic Exploitation Platform (U-TEP). Showcases from GPSC cities. Tomas
Soukup, GISAT
- SDG 11: Using geo-spatial data for assessment of Indicators for SDG11.
Examples, which indicators can be supported by geo-spatial data
- Improving urban livelihoods: how can satellite data assist to reach this
goal. Examples from city cases
- EO Data for climate resilience and disaster management city plans.
Examples from specific city cases
- Land valuation and assessment of property taxes from geo-spatial data.
Example from specific city cases
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