[Portugal] OpenGeoHub Summer School 2020 (Online: 16-22 August 2020)

Artur Gil arturgil gmail.com
Domingo, 16 de Agosto de 2020 - 13:07:55 PDT

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*OpenGeoHub Summer School 2020* (https://opengeohub.org/summer_school_2020).

>From 16th to 22nd of August 2020 we will run our Summer School on
Geocomputing / Machine Learning using R, Python + OSGeo tools.
The lectures will be broadcast so it is a tremendous occasion to push your
geo-computation skills to the next level!
We will live the broadcast majority of lectures through zoom webinars and
some also via our YouTube channel.
Giuseppe Amatulli
Tweeter: @BigDataEcology
Teaching: http://spatial-ecology.net
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