[postgis-devel] (postgis-packaging) Perl script clearly dependend on gborg pgperl support.

Gérald Fenoy gfenoy at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 09:11:16 PDT 2005

Hi all,
I'll try in that mail to focus your attention on the "utils perl
scripts" dependancies.

You could find here the log file generated by a loop which try to
launch each one of the perl scripts availables in the utils/
It's not an error, indeed all the scripts which begin with the line
"use Pg;" try to load the well known gborg's Pg.pm, so the dependency
seems clear to me for this 3 scripts :
 _ profile_intersects.pl
 _ test_estimation.pl
 _ test_joinestimation.pl

So if they have in mind (as me) to install all the perl scripts, the
"packagers" need to set the pgperl dependancy (pgperl it's the name of
the ebuild for the gborg support so for the other distro you need to
know which is the good name to use in the dependancy definition).

Gérald FENOY

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