[postgis-devel] (postgis-packaging) Perl script clearly dependend on gborg pgperl support.
strk at refractions.net
strk at refractions.net
Thu Aug 4 09:26:55 PDT 2005
On Thu, Aug 04, 2005 at 06:11:16PM +0200, GĂ©rald Fenoy wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'll try in that mail to focus your attention on the "utils perl
> scripts" dependancies.
> You could find here the log file generated by a loop which try to
> launch each one of the perl scripts availables in the utils/
> directory.
> It's not an error, indeed all the scripts which begin with the line
> "use Pg;" try to load the well known gborg's Pg.pm, so the dependency
> seems clear to me for this 3 scripts :
> _ profile_intersects.pl
> _ test_estimation.pl
> _ test_joinestimation.pl
> So if they have in mind (as me) to install all the perl scripts, the
> "packagers" need to set the pgperl dependancy (pgperl it's the name of
> the ebuild for the gborg support so for the other distro you need to
> know which is the good name to use in the dependancy definition).
I would not install those 3 scripts... they are meant for testing
purposes, for developers only.
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