[postgis-devel] NEW DYNPTARRAY type in lwgeom api

strk at refractions.net strk at refractions.net
Fri Dec 2 01:38:36 PST 2005

Another thing added to lwgeom api is
the "dynamic" pointarray.

There's no full support for such a type,
but it is a start and can be used to
construct pointarrays w/out knowing number
of points in advance.

You can:

	- create a dynamic pointarray 
	  specifying dimension and
	  initial capacity

	- add a point to a pointarray
	  specifying wheter duplicates
	  are allowed


	- destructor (get your pointarray and lwfree the rest)

	- points remover (points are still serialized, so
	  this is discouraged anyway)

	- memory reserving function

See liblwgeom.h for more info (search DYNPTARRAY).

Note that you will always add a POINT4D, use
of the setPoint4d() will abstract actual dimensions


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