[postgis-devel] PostGIS RC1/2 and QGIS
Carl Anderson
carl.anderson at co.fulton.ga.us
Thu Feb 10 06:01:03 PST 2005
the offending statement that QGIS is making is
declare qgisf binary cursor for select oid,asbinary(shape,'NDR') as
qgs_feature_geometry from case6 where shape && GeometryFromText('BOX3D(
2288006.545455 1472366.000000, 2291123.454545
strk at refractions.net wrote:
>On Wed, Feb 09, 2005 at 08:18:42PM -0900, Gary Sherman wrote:
>>On Wed, 2005-02-09 at 10:33 +0100, strk at refractions.net wrote:
>>>On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 06:53:44PM -0900, Gary Sherman wrote:
>>>>The latest release candidates of PostGIS do not work with QGIS.
>>>>Currently we use a binary cursor, using the asbinary function to fetch
>>>>the features. I took a quick look around and didn't find any
>>>>documentation on the changes in lwgeom and the appropriate way to read
>>>>Can anyone point me to a document or give me a hint?
>>>Can you give *us* an hint ?
>>>We're hunting exactly this bug. Reports are multipolygons
>>>work while polygons don't. Can you confirm this ?
>>>Can you provide sample data exploiting the bug ?
>>I am unable to display any data type (point, linestring, polygon, or
>>multipolygon) in QGIS.
>>I have not had time to step through the source in debug to determine the
>>problem. A dump file of one of the polygon layers used for testing is
>>available at http://qgis.org/lakes_dump.dmp.bz2 (this was dumped with
>>the -d option).
>Thank you gary. I've tested your data against the wkbtester prog
>attached in my previous mail. It reports no difference between HWGEOM
>binary cursor and LWGEOM binary cursor !
>The program opens a binary cursor for:
>asbinary(force_2d(force_collection(geom))), does qgis do the same ?
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>>postgis-devel at postgis.refractions.net
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Carl Anderson
GIS Manager Fulton County, Georgia
carl.anderson at co.fulton.ga.us
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