[postgis-devel] CLASSPATH problem
Markus Schaber
schabios at logi-track.com
Tue Feb 22 04:40:30 PST 2005
Hi, Alex,
AFAIK, you can set the CLASSPATH environment variable from your debian
scripts before you call into our Makefiles.
So why don't you set CLASSPATH to one of:
or wherever the appropriate JRE library is for woody is. Which one to
use depends on which of the JRE libraries has correct JDBC implementation.
This should avoid all problems with -classpath or -addclasspath, because
the Makefile constructs all classpathes based on $CLASSPATH.
IMHO, this is the way to go. CLASSPATH was invented in the java world
for just this purpose, to have a standard way to specify where the
needed java libraries can be found.
Does this solve your problems?
markus schaber | dipl. informatiker
logi-track ag | rennweg 14-16 | ch 8001 zürich
phone +41-43-888 62 52 | fax +41-43-888 62 53
mailto:schabios at logi-track.com | www.logi-track.com
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