[postgis-devel] Moving towards a 1.2.2 release?
davidtecher at yahoo.fr
Mon Jun 4 12:29:06 PDT 2007
What about post a "how to" on PostGIS Wiki or PostGIS doc for postgis
I've already tryed to explain that on my own doc for French
Obe, Regina a écrit :
> Sorry to butt in on this conversation, but thought I would give my vote
> on the topic. I agree with Paul that it should be in all distributions.
> Its much easier to explain to newbies, which I deal with often to just
> use the template_postgis database to create a spatial database or should
> they screw up create another one.
> Otherwise my instructions sound like but if you are on debian or blah
> blah blah do this or use this special setup package to create. I mean
> if they are going to enable postgis functionality in a database after
> they setup a database, they are still going to have to have some clue
> where the lwpostgis.sql file is (or at least on windows they do) if they
> don't have a template database with all that functionality to copy from.
> Lets not forget that most of us started out as newbies and we don't
> want to scare away a potential crowd of users (and potential
> contributors) by making the system any more difficult to get up and
> running with than it needs to be.
> Just my 2 cents,
> Regina
> -----Original Message-----
> From: postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-devel-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Paul
> Ramsey
> Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 10:55 AM
> To: Stephen Frost
> Cc: PostGIS Development Discussion; mleslie at refractions.net
> Subject: Re: [postgis-devel] Moving towards a 1.2.2 release?
> So the client software has to know exactly what distribution it is
> working against and create its own lwpostgis on the fly to create a
> new spatial database? There is a valid need for a template, and the
> more commonly the template is installed, the better for client
> software. We are hoping to create a situation where someone with
> Mapguide can point it at a windows install of PostgreSQL and just
> start working, without any special magic administrative steps.
> That's where the idea of both having template_postgis and asking that
> it be created as part of the installation comes from.
> P
> On 2-Jun-07, at 7:46 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:
>> * Paul Ramsey (pramsey at refractions.net) wrote:
>>> We need a "template_postgis" routine in the distribution because we
>>> are going to start recommending that one be created by any packaged
>>> version of PostGIS. This will allow client software without access to
>>> the server to create "spatialized" database with a CREATE DATABASE
>>> sql command, instead of needing to know the location of the magic
>>> lwpostgis.so on the server side.
>> Erm, that doesn't make sense. Distributions put the lwpostgis.so
>> into a
>> specific place, and at least on Debian that's the PG lib directory
>> which
>> means you don't need to know the path to it at all. In either case
>> though, the problem of knowing where the lwpostgis.so exists has
>> already
>> been solved by the packaging system, it's not like it moves it around,
>> nor does it take alot of magic to figure out what that place is.
>> Distributions that don't put it into the PG lib directory (and I don't
>> know if there are any such) are pretty silly and could stand to have
>> that fixed *anyway*, imv.
>> If that's the only reason for a 'template_postgis' then it should be
>> removed entirely. My original assumption was that it was there to
>> make
>> it easier for admins, which can be a worthwhile goal, not to try to
>> solve some non-problem.
>> Regardless, however, I've got no intention (and, indeed, would be
>> strongly against) of creating a database of *any* kind during package
>> installation under Debian. There's alot of broken cases where it
>> won't
>> work, so you can't assume it'll be there in the end, and in general I
>> don't feel it's something which is appropriate for a package like
>> PostGIS to *do* anyway. Make it easy for an admin to create a
>> template_gis, fine, but don't recommend distributions automatically do
>> it on installation.
>>> That said, the current thing in the distribution does seem a terrible
>>> mess and very debian-specific.
>> Indeed. My concern is more with the 'terrible mess' than the
>> 'debian-specific' piece of it, of course. ;)
>> Stephen
>>> On 1-Jun-07, at 6:58 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:
>>>> * Mark Cave-Ayland (mark.cave-ayland at ilande.co.uk) wrote:
>>>>> AFAICT the following issues remain before we can release 1.2.2:
>>>>> 1. template_gis - the whole thing needs to be revisited...
>>>> Agreed, 100%. I don't really see why anything for template_gis
>>>> needs to
>>>> be or should be done during build but even beyond that it didn't
>>>> appear
>>>> to be respecting $DESTDIR properly for some reason. For those
>>>> reasons I
>>>> removed it from the build for the Debian PostGIS 1.2.1 packages.
>>>> I'm
>>>> also not at all convinced it should even be a part of the main
>>>> PostGIS
>>>> distribution...
>>>> Also, the 'extras/debian' directory should be removed, it's horribly
>>>> outdated, wrong and obsolete.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Stephen
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